No law enforcement officers fired their weapons during the fight at the Red Rooster. The intitial shot was fired by a bouncer:

Bouncers inside the Red Rooster moved patrons outside, and deputies used pepper spray to try to control the crowd. And police confirmed yesterday that a bouncer had used a gun.

“Prior to the arrival of Winston-Salem police officers, a bouncer at the club fired a gun into the air,”(Police Chief Pat) Norris said.

More gunshots were fired from the crowd after Winston-Salem police arrived, Norris said. The officers and deputies began working their way toward the middle of the crowd to control the fight, she said. “The scene was extremely hectic and numerous people were running and screaming in the parking lot,” Norris said. “While assisting in crowd control, Sgt. Plouff was shot once in the face by an unknown assailant.”

There’s quite a way to go until this is sorted out.