The Safe Routes to School National Partnership released a report. I could stop there; that anything with a long name released a report is really all you need to know. But I shall continue. The long-named organization with a report endorsing its opinion also has a mission statement, a set of power verbs arranged into sentences much like a magnet would assemble odds and ends when waved over your project bench. That’s not the point, either.
The group is claiming North Carolina is guilty of disservice for focusing its priorities on carbon-burning transportation. I am not sympathetic. I love health and clean air, but frankly, I am glad my car is working again, as it was kind of frightening walking to and from work in the dark. What’s more, most people I see walking or cycling are out for exercise, and they number a teeny, weeny, micro-angel-hair-eeny fraction of the commuting population.
Again, government does not exist to mold people. It exists to serve people and facilitate their efforts. Us plain folks don’t go to the store to have retailers demand our money and thrust items into our shopping baskets, so why should government foist its great plans upon us?