Asheville Citizen-Times commentator John Boyle is not amused by the latest tyrannical maneuver of Representative Tim Moffitt (R-Buncombe). Today, the newspapers discovered that last week he and Senator Tom Apodaca (R-Henderson) had slipped verbiage into a bill to prevent Buncombe County from holding a referendum on district elections. The law came as an amendment to a bill pertaining to the election of commissioners in Gilford and Mecklenburg counties. Rather non-sequitur, it forbade changes to legislation Moffitt slid through the legislature earlier that changed the constitution of the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners from five to seven members and transformed elections from at-large competitions to district campaigns. The amendment squelches the announcement by the commissioners that they would attempt to check Moffitt’s powers by turning the matter over to the people for approval. The latest fast move by Moffitt, like the previous ones, is viewed as serving his Republican developer constituency without regard to the masses. You may enjoy Boyle’s style.