Guilford County Schools Superintendent Mo Green’s $651.8 million budget is a $9 million increase over the ’08-’09 budget. At last night’s presentation, board member Paul Daniels —-bless his heart —– tried to figure out where the cuts were. He never got a straight answer.
This passage is straight from the budget:
The proposed budget calls for eliminating about 153 positions, including 63 from central
office, primarily in the Academic Services division. The other 90 positions are school-based positions, primarily media assistants. The positions represent a savings $8.7 million that can be used as cuts or redirections. The district hopes to minimize job losses through attrition.As part of the reorganization of Academic Services, GCS is adding 45 positions, including the regional office positions. The changes in Academic Services, including reductions in personnel and some expenses for contracted services, supplies and materials and mileage reimbursement, among others, yield a net savings of approximately $1.2 million.
I’m still trying to figure out how all this adds up. The N&R also reports that the board approved Green’s choices for regional superintendents, including another Char-Meck refugee, West Charlotte High Principal John Modest. Before going to Char-Meck, Modest worked for Wake County Schools, where he was impressed by the “moral leadership” that was willing to fight for school diversity.