Staring us in plain sight is the revelation that CMS principals, and we must assume the Ed Shed itself, thought it was a great idea to drive teachers to create Facebook presences, the better to beg for yet more money.

Check out what Fred Clasen-Kelly reports:

A 26-year-old third-grade CMS teacher who did not want her name used, fearing reprisals, said the district hasn’t clearly specified what employees can and cannot post on such sites. Most teachers think if they keep their profiles private, she said, they’ll be safe.

“Our principal encouraged us to use our profiles to post links like ‘Adopt A Classroom’ to bring in potential donors,” she said. “But, given the recent investigations, he also told us to be careful about our Facebook material.”

Why are CMS principals hunting up potential donors on the Inter Webs? Why would a school be short on resources? If they are a Focus school, they’ve already have extra money and lower enrollment. If not, they have a functioning, fund-raising PTA to take the lead in such things. And some schools have both.

Once again it turns out that the myth that CMS lacks adequate funding is driving bad decision making and distracting us from the task of actually educating children. Do gay penguins who say the pledge in Spanish have Facebook pages? Ghetto my ass.

Bonus Observation: Boy am I glad Nora Carr is headed to G-boro to join Mo Green in a serial shakedown of Guilford County. I cannot take any more of her duplicitous spinning. Trying to justify suspending and possibly firing teachers exposed in the Facebook “scandal” Carr said this: “Clearly, when there is poor professional judgment, it impacts the teacher’s ability to do their job.”

So CMS teachers and staff who get arrested and stay on the job are not in the same boat?