From the News & Observer story about Mary Easley’s press conference, at which it was announced she won’t resign her post at NC State.

“It is absolutely true that I have liked and respected Mary Easley for years,” Bowles said in a statement. “I have said so numerous times—publicly, privately, in writing, and verbally. I also do not question that when she was hired by N.C. State in 2005, prior to my arrival at UNC, that she was considered to be an asset to the University. Furthermore, when the UNC Board of Governors and I reviewed the salary associated with her expanded duties in 2008, it was unanimously approved after significant adjustments were made. I have said this repeatedly and released publicly the information that supports the salary she was offered.

But as Mrs. Easley’s attorney said today, ‘we are now at a time that is different from when Mary Easley was hired.’ And I do feel that it would be in the best interest of N.C. State for her to move on.”

Then there’s this statement from Senate Minority Leader Phil Berger, in which he raises the prospect of eliminating the funding for Mrs. Easley’s job.

Stay tuned.