The Henderson County DSS wanted to put an Obamacare kiosk in the Human Services Building. The thingy would navigate the well-off into poverty, and the poor into the system. Blue Cross would staff it, asking no pecuniary compensation for its Faustian deals.

[Commissioner Tommy Thompson argued,] “As a group I remember we wrote a letter and said we need to take Obamacare and throw it out the window to begin with, so philosophically we’re against the whole process.”

Sadly, the proposal was rejected. I think it was in favor of more appropriately drop-kicking the leviathan into the Ninth Circle of Dante’s Inferno, a community that embraces fraud and treachery as a means to illusory personal aggrandizement fueled by the fear and disbelief of the humble.

Commissioner Michael Edney compared the kiosk to a hunter using a baited field to attract deer.

As often happens in politics these days, it would have been insensitive to say something like, “We care more about alleviating human suffering than impoverishing the masses to support a house-of-cards paper mill to justify the crony relationship between government and insurance providers.” So, instead, County Manager Steve Wyatt plugged the latest hole in the can of worms with a technicality. He said the county has a policy against allowing private sales on public property.

That worked, but somebody could probably sue on the grounds that un-Constitutional federally-mandated purchases may be transacted through policy-breaking commerce.