Kudos to Senate Leader Phil Berger for taking a serious look at the demands of the anti-GOP protesters, as detailed in the agenda of the N.C. NAACP. Here, in an email from Amy Auth of the senator’s office, is what these committed progressives are demanding of North Carolina taxpayers. I am unable to provide links to the documents to which Ms. Auth refers. Regardless, the important point is the cost, which she notes.
Dear Members of the Press,
As you may know, Senate Leader Phil Berger spent over an hour having a conversation with Monday protesters who came to his legislative office tonight.
Attached is a copy of a letter Sen. Berger sent to Rev. Barber earlier this spring asking for a list of the Monday protesters’ policy recommendations. Also attached is a copy of Rev. Barber’s response.
Senate leaders analyzed Rev. Barber’s agenda and asked the General Assembly’s nonpartisan central staff to draft an amendment to the Senate budget that would accomplish the goals laid out by Rev. Barber and his followers. The agenda would cost more than $7 billion and would require raising the corporate income tax nearly ten-fold, from 6 percent to 50 percent. Sen. Berger explained Senate Republicans could not support that due to the devastating effect it would have on North Carolina jobs.
It is also worth noting that no member of either party in the Senate offered an amendment to accomplish Rev. Barber’s goals.
And now we wait to see if any elected official will sign on to support this astronomical growth in government and drain on taxpayer wallets.