You really can’t make it up. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, known as Nanny Bloomberg because of his support for government policies that tell people what they can and can’t eat — celebrated Donut Day today. Donut Day comes on the heels of Mayor Bloomberg endorsing a ban on surgary sodas bigger than 16 ounces — all because he and his fellow nanny-staters know better than you do what you should drink. Bloomberg doesn’t understand why his ban, and his celebration of Donut Day, is so ridiculous.

“We’re not taking away anything from anybody,” he said.

“All we’re saying is the restaurant has to serve it in two 16-ounce cups. If people are yelling and screaming about that, you can’t do anything.

“I mean, you know, this is ridiculous.”

“Even if it doesn’t make a big difference, it’s not hurting anybody. The beverage companies will still sell beverages,” he added.

So Mr. Mayor, then why are you imposing the ban? And by the way, if you believe the 16 oz. ban is a good idea, shouldn’t you also ban the sale of a dozen donuts? Shouldn’t New Yorkers be limited to only half a dozen?