Read all about it. NC State’s diversity czar1 asks:
As a community that values diversity, how can we address the challenges of providing diversity training for faculty and staff?
What challenges of providing diversity2 training? Remind them of the Golden Rule3 and stop wasting everybody’s time with your Orwellian exploits.
Funny how the university is “cut to the bone” and yet it still has time to “produce a document” ? that really should read “produce yet another document” ? about diversity on the campus. It’s the same thing every year. Thousands of man-hours and tens of thousands of dollars are expended (a) telling everyone how they don’t value diversity enough, (b) polling everyone to see if that message is getting through, and as it does, (c) publishing the poll results to lament that essentially NC State really, really, REALLY has a problem because students don’t “feel” that diversity is valued enough on campus.
1. The term “diversity czar” is not mine; it was given by The News & Observer.
2. The “diversity” mentioned would be that “diversity” quantifiable by sight ? i.e., racial, gender, ethnic, &c. diversity. More meaningful, subtle diversity ? such as ideas ? is not NC State’s concern.
3. Q.v.,