Actually, it’s a one year master’s degree in “Climate Change.” It is wrong on so many levels–let me counteth the ways:
1. It is directed toward non-science majors, which means it will be little more than science-lite and opinions (although that’s redundant, since it’s about climate change).
2. Graduates of existing climate change programs only get jobs in government and left-wing non-profits. Private sector employers will obviously hesitate before hiring anything so useless. And useless government jobs are on their way out (we hope).
3. It is a prime example of government’s ability to pick winners and losers. In this case, it is betting on the need to deal with the economic and environmental effects of an exposed hoax. Kinda like betting on a dead mule to win the Kentucky Derby.
n. Did I mention it’s a degree program based on a a body of knowledge that has been shown to be a bleedin’ hoax?
n+1. School officials are touting that the $13,500 tuition will pay for the course. So basically, they are bilking gullible students who can’t get jobs with their current degrees in political correctness out of another 13-14 grand to get a second politically correct degree that will lead to no job. Much like selling breeding rights to the aforementioned dead mule.