Good heavens. Given these associations, why would anyone take the Get Real Fake stuff remotely seriously? It just more astroturf agit-prop brought to you by Russ Communications, with a client list that is a quick cheat sheet for the Uptown status quo:

Arts & Science Council

Bank of America

Central Carolinas Choices

Centralina Council of Governments

Council for Children’s Rights

Crosland Enterprises

Crossroads Charlotte

Duke Energy

Richard Florida Creative Group

Foundation For The Carolinas

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

Lynnwood Foundation & Lee Institute

National Sierra Club

UNC Charlotte

Urban Ministry Center

The entire operation was designed to create the illusion of support of a county property tax hike. And what do you know, here we are in budget-writing season being told that we must “protect” the vulnerable and look at consolidation of city-county services toward that end (although there are no real efficiencies to be had, just more obfuscation of local government spending.) Which leaves us with “consolidation” as code for making town residents pay for city of Charlotte services.
