Let’s see, in November we vote on Charlotte city council races and for a mayor. Accordingly, that makes 2007 a no property tax year for the city of Charlotte. That’s the way the Powers That Be have set things up — never give the people a straight shot to vote anyone out of office for anything.

And what does City Manager-Until-June Pam Syfert put in her last budget? No property tax hike for 2007.

Big surprise.

But at the same time, there is a tax hike in this budget. Sewer and water fees come out of the same taxpayer pocket at property taxes do — just try to avoid them and see what happens.

So same old, same old from Syfert and the city. More details on what the hell Charlotte could possibly be spending $1.6 billion on to follow.

Update: I should have made clear that this budget is 15 percent higher than last year’s $1.37 billion budget. Mind-blowing. That kind of spending is completely irresponsible.

Did your spending go up by 15 percent last year? Did your income? This is nuts.