UNCG Chancellor Linda Brady hopes to make a decision by May 1 on whether or not to replace or renovate the Quad dormitories, a project that’s going to cost $100 million and is described as “indeed the largest project ever undertaken on this campus in terms of cost and scope.”

Meanwhile, UNCG professors are encouraged to “save everywhere they can, even giving exams on overhead projectors rather than making copies,” while campus officials say the “the school will reduce or eliminate basics such as garbage pickup, gas for the physical plant and even purchases such as toilet paper and cleaning supplies.

Again, what am I missing here? The university’s cutting back on toilet paper while talking about building $100 million dorms. I realize that the complexities of bureaucrat budgets dictate the separate funds are maintained for certain purposes, but, as Gov. Bev Perdue has shown us, moving money isn’t nearly as hard as we might think.