My friend in Norway is a member of the Progress Party.  It is the second largest party in Norway with 38 of the 169 seats in the parliament (Storting).  The largest party is Labor (socialist) with 61 seats.  Here is a small sample of the party’s statement of Principles and here is a link to the entire statement of principles on their website in English.  It seems that there is hope in Europe.


Fremskrittspartiet is a libertarian party. It is founded on the Norwegian Constitution, Norwegian and Western tradition and
heritage, based on a Christian ethos.

Fremskrittspartiet’s main goal is to achieve a marked reduction in taxes, charges and state interference.

social policy of Fremskrittspartiet is founded on a belief in, and
respect for, the uniqueness of the individual and the right of
individuals to control their own lives and finances. The individual is
the greatest resource in the development of society. Together with the
family and the right to private ownership, the individual is the basis
of society.

Fremskrittspartiet is totally opposed to discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion and ethnic origin.

will defend the rights inherent in the Norwegian Constitution,
including private ownership, freedom of enterprise, personal liberty
and freedom of expression. Fremskrittspartiet will also defend freedom
of faith and the right to voluntary organisation in the workplace.