Yesterday, Asheville City and Buncombe County schools were in the news for their low performance on their Annual Yearly Progress goals from No Child Left Behind. [Before proceeding, I would like to mention a couple irritants in the name of this program. (1) What is the difference between annual and yearly that necessitates the use of both words in the name of something posing to be a credible gauge of education? (2) Why does the poser program use garbled syntax to attain the nondescript acronym NCLB? Even SHACBO (Spanking Half of All Children’s Behinds Off) is catchier.]

Anyhoo, Polk County Schools were not affected by subgroupitis. All seven of their schools met their target. Fourteen of twenty-three schools in Henderson County hit the targets. That is good because the reporter is framing the glass as being half full (of antifreeze). You can see how all NC schools fared here.