Dr. Guarino weighs in on Greensboro City Council members complaining about fellow council member Danny Thompson’s political ads.
I’ve been a frequent critic of the N&R, but I try not to be vitriolic just for the sake of bashing the local paper of record, no matter how much they open themselves up to it. But this is a pretty sorry story –not so much for the reporting, although it’s no secret Joe Killian’s a big liberal —— but because none of the brains down there realized they were giving Zack Matheny, Jim Kee and Robbie Perkins free campaign advertising.
I’m against the Danny Thompson, the guy who tried to reopen the landfill, so vote for me. A lot of eyes saw that message, and it didn’t cost those guys a dime.
The only other conclusion is the N&R’s editors knew exactly what they were doing. Funny how the mainstream media supports campaign finance laws, yet mocks them when they give favored candidates free ads.
Update: I don’t know why the N&R hasn’t posted lead editorials in a couple of days, but in today’s Monday Short Stack they write “Voters can decide who’s Superman and who isn’t.”
That’s exactly the point.
Update II: Today’s Short Stack editorial.