In yesterday’s lead editorial, the Charlotte Observer–more or less—advises the Queen City not to even try to pull out of host duties for the Republican National Convention, even in the wake of President Trump’s controversial tweets and comments:
First, Republicans would very likely and very quickly sue. They would not be interested in damages, at least not at first, but for a judge to provide injunctive relief and make Charlotte live up to its part of the RNC 2020 contract.
Also very likely: That judge would not be sympathetic to Charlotte’s case, for at least two reasons. First, city leaders knew who Donald Trump and his supporters were long before they agreed to invite everyone to Charlotte. But also, as City Attorney Patrick Baker noted Monday: Trump is not a party in the convention contract. The RNC and RNC host committee are, and to this point neither has done anything to breach the contract.
…And for those who think that the GOP would quietly slink away from holding a convention in a city that doesn’t want them, perhaps we should introduce you to Donald Trump. The president and his party are not the slink-away types. More likely, Trump and his party would vindictively use convention week to attack our city or its leaders, perhaps by showing the country all of Charlotte’s problems that Republicans can fix.
The Observer’s editorial board reminds us of its warning that “Charlotte had little to gain and more to lose by hosting the 2020 convention.” There was a footnote, however: If Trump somehow would not be the nominee, then “we’d be all in.” So Charlotte would be happy to take evil Republicans’ money–but not if they’re going to nominate Trump.
Look–I understand the questioning of the RNC coming to Charlotte in the first place, when you have a list of conservative cities that can handle it. Why go where you’re not wanted?