Brocker continues his cross-examination. He’s trying to explain to Nifong what a positive match for DNA is. Priceless.

Nifong doesn’t seem to understand. Williamson tries to help him a bit. Finally he says he understands.

Brocker: None of the DNA from the players showed a positive match, correct? Nifong: Correct.

Reads from a response saying Nifong agreed that positive matches existed for DNA other than the players. Nifong: Obviously, I signed it but that wasn’t what I expected the report to be. [???]

Another statement of Nifong “readily” conceding that male DNA was found that wasn’t from the players.

Brocker: When you were sitting with Meehan and he was going through this unknown DNA did you know it was exculpatory? Nifong: Anything can be exculpatory, depends. Goes on a rambling rationale that, again, I’m not even trying to follow. “It doesn’t prove that an assault didn’t take place,” he finally says. The presence of other DNA doesn’t mean they committed the crime or that someone else didn’t commit the crime.

Brocker: Now what you’re saying is that the discovery of other male DNA is not exculpatory? Williamson breaks in an as much tells Brocker not to argue with him and to let him dig his own hole (my interpretation).

New flash: Nifong pretty much called CGM a whore just now, though he said it this way — she was involved in a business where she came in contact with many men.

My head is spinning. He won’t shut up. This is making no sense. Absence of DNA, he says, is inculpatory or exculpatory, depending on the phases of the moon or something. (Just kidding.)