For kicks, I have been reading the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha. It shall surely come as a horror of horrors to some. Indeed, the books are replete with corrupted concepts, miserable translations, and schizophrenia among other faults. Sometimes it appears the books were the work of students at universities no less shockingly liberal than ours. But there are many diamonds in the rough, and finding some is why I read.
A few nights ago, I was reading from the Gospel of Philip. The same-some mentioned above will not approve because parts speak of Jesus getting it on with Mary Magdalene. I blew that off and read on to find a gem. I shall paraphrase and over-elaborate, as the syntax is worse than my own: When people make antisocial choices, they are a slave thereof. Glimpsing truth will empower them with freedom to pursue or not pursue things they value. If people think natural consequences do not apply to them, the world calls them free, but instead they are arrogant. He who is really made free by understanding truth becomes a slave again, but this time it is “because of love for those who have not yet been able to attain the freedom which comes from knowledge.”
What were we talking about? Oh, yeah. Canton is trying out crowdsourcing as a means of funding improvements for the town’s playground. This is better than taxes, because those who value the park can put their money where their mouth is. Those who will never use the park and don’t feel they can spare any change don’t have to pay. Freeloaders will take advantage of the situation, but the generous people who donated know this and they want to serve anyway. Perhaps their good example will warm other willing hearts.