Many candidates seeking elected office this fall say they support the John Locke Foundation’s principles and policy ideas. An article in the Laurinburg Exchange featured a Republican Senate candidate’s reference to JLF research. The blogger Ed Cone also highlighted the Locke Foundation recently while discussing his interaction with a state House candidate. The YES! Weekly blog also noted that another legislative candidate is a “fan” of JLF ideas. Speaking of JLF media references, a Smithfield Herald story about the contest between U.S. Rep. Bob Etheridge, D-2nd District, and Republican Renee Ellmers mentioned the Locke Foundation’s participation in Tea Party events, including a reference to JLF’s tea bags. Speaking of Tea Parties,Vice President for Outreach Becki Gray heads to a Take America Back Tea Party and picnic tonight in Greensboro. Gray offered a legislative update last night to the Wake County Taxpayers Association and appeared this morning on Curtis Wright’s WAAV/WFNC Radio program. She returned this week to Curtis Media Group’s “People and Politics” radio
program to discuss runoff election results. The Richmond County Daily
Journal also picked up Gray’s recent column on the “shipwreck of state.” Meanwhile, communications director Mitch Kokai is scheduled to speak at a Reidsville Tea Party Saturday. One week ago, Kokai shared his concerns with News 14 Carolina about proposed state spending on handheld computers for public school teachers. He also explained to The Daily Tar Heel that public transit advocates are pushing transportation options most people reject.
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