Earlier today I blogged about comments from David Axelrod, President Obama’s key adviser, who told “Meet the Press” that voters will come to like the new health insurance/health care “reform.”
Beyond the obvious politics involved in Mr. Axelrod’s defense of the law and his boss — despite clear and consistent polling that shows the majority of Americans oppose the law — there is this factor: the disconnect between the political elites and the mainstream American. From Rasmussen: (emphasis is mine)
There continues to be a huge divide among Mainstream voters and the Political Class. While 67% of Mainstream voters favor repeal of the health care bill, an overwhelming 88% of the Political Class opposes repeal, including 75% who Strongly Oppose repeal.
Clearly, on the issue of how to best reform the American health insurance/health care delivery system, the majority are being governed by those with a minority view.