I received an email from Progressive city council member Bryan Freeborn today. My reaction, when I found that Mayor Terry Bellamy would be the first passenger on a new green transit initiative for Asheville, reminded me of one of my favorite all-time one-liners. When one of my math profs asked the class one day, “What do you want to do when you see a determinant?” Hamadi, who like most math majors barely spoke any English, replied, “Weep.”
 So, before I could grab a tissue, I read that, unlike any other green initiative I’d encountered in recent history, this was a private-sector undertaking. Sure, we can knock them for ignoring the overall efficiencies of electric power, or for encouraging four trips instead of two for those who commute to or from unique destinations. But, at least somebody is big enough to assume the risk for this endeavor and not expect the taxpaying public to be burdened with supporting warm and fuzzy re-election schemes with no practical utility.