On the one hand we tell high school kids they can’t wear the American flag on a t-shirt on a completely non-American pseudo holiday because it might offend Mexicans or Mexican-Americans. But on the other we have to accede without protest to the truly obscene proposal to build a 13-story mosque adjacent to Ground Zero, as if there were no other location that would do.
In both of these cases those designated aggrieved minorities by the insanity of political correctness are pushing their demands to the limit just to antagonize the majority. The high school kids were called insensitive for wearing their shirts, but the Muslims are not insensitive to the memory of 9/11, nor the Mexican kids who said the American flag is offensive. Political correctness goes only one way. It demands things from anyone too successful, too conservative, or too Caucasian, that it doesn’t demand from anyone else.
At some point a society that wants to survive needs to to finally say, “Enough!”