On the Democrats’ poor showing in North Carolina on Tuesday, courtesy of the UPoR:

“It’s going to be very difficult for Democrats. They had pretty low expectations in state legislative races this time around, and they didn’t even manage to meet those.”

— Andrew Taylor, an N.C. State University political scientist.

“Once again you see the Democrats using a stale 20th-century-type pitch, and they get one-third of the white voters in a state that’s about 80 percent white. It seems to me Democrats have to learn to communicate with the majority like Republicans have to learn to better communicate with minorities.”

— John Davis, a longtime Raleigh political analyst.

“It’s always a mistake when Democrats let their message be about how to divide the pie rather than how to grow the pie.”

— Democratic political consultant Gary Pearce

You can read the rest of Jim Morrill’s story here.