Republican activist and political consultant Alan Teitleman commissioned a telepoll of 510 registered Democrats on Friday which found that 62 percent of those surveyed thought that Charlotte attorney Nick Mackey should not be confirmed to the office of sheriff by the Mecklenburg County Commission. Just over 21 percent thought Mackey should be confirmed, and 14 percent were not sure.

According to Teitleman, the poll targeted likely Democrats, selected from a random pool of nearly 3,000 registered Mecklenburg Democrats who have voted in 4 of the last 4 primary elections. The margin of error is of ± 4.36%. The survey question read as follows:

“Please answer the following question. Should Nick Mackey be confirmed by the Board of Commissioners to serve as Sheriff of Mecklenburg County? Press 1 if Nick Mackey should be confirmed. Press 2 if Nick Mackey should not be confirmed. Press 3 if you are unsure.”

The poll mirrors Mackey’s downward slide among county commissioners. Democrats on the panel are increasingly troubled by a vote to confirm him, with Park Helms citing “public confidence” as a roadblock to Mackey taking the post. If that sounds like a half-way stand, it is — and that is all you’ll get out of Parks for as long as possible.

Helms is trying to mask the fact that were a vote held today, Mackey would not be confirmed to the post.

Local Democrats appear to hope the the state party will bail them out by ruling that the precincts Mackey organized were not properly advertised to the public. However, it is hard to see the political upside for the state Democratic Party to get involved if it can possibly duck it.

Stay tuned.