You still have time to cast your vote.

Once those polls close, our cast of characters will try to update you on the important races on this year’s ballot.

I’ll be paying close attention to the legislative races. I hope to post regularly on tight races and upsets.

Before the polls close, I can tell you about winners in uncontested races.

In the House, 32 Democrats and 31 Republicans already know they’ll be heading to Raleigh in January. Incumbents returning from the districts they won in the 2004 elections are Bill Owens (D-1st District), Ed Jones (D-7), Edith Warren (D-8), Carolyn Justice (R-16), Danny McComas (R-19), Larry Bell (D-21), Jean Farmer-Butterfield (D-24), Leo Daughtry (R-26), Michael Wray (D-27), James Langdon (R-28), Paul Luebke (D-30), Mickey Michaux (D-31), Jim Crawford (D-32), Jennifer Weiss (D-35), Deborah Ross (D-38), Marvin Lucas (D-42), Mary McAllister (D-43), Margaret Dickson (D-44), Doug Yongue (D-46), Ronnie Sutton (D-47), Garland Pierce (D-48), Bill Faison (D-50), Winkie Wilkins (D-55), Verla Insko (D-56), Laura Wiley (R-61), John Blust (R-62), Alice Bordsen (D-63), Cary Allred (R-64), David Almond (R-67), Curtis Blackwood (R-68), Larry Womble (D-71), Earline Parmon (D-72), Larry Brown (R-73), Dale Folwell (R-74), Bill McGee (R-75), Fred Steen (R-76), Harold Brubaker (R-78), Julia Howard (R-79), Jerry Dockham (R-80), Hugh Holliman (D-81), Jeff Barnhart (R-82), Linda Johnson (R-83), Phillip Frye (R-84), Edgar Starnes (R-87), Mitchell Setzer (R-89), George Holmes (R-92), Karen Ray (R-95), Mark Hilton (R-96), Joe Kiser (R-97), Drew Saunders (D-99), Beverly Earle (D-101), Becky Carney (D-102), Martha Alexander (D-106), Pete Cunningham (D-107), William Current (R-109), Trudi Walend (R-113), and Roger West (R-120).

Other members of the class of 2006 House include: William Brisson (D-22), who beat House veteran Edd Nye in a Democratic primary; Larry Hall (D-29), who actually has served a little time in the House this year as the successor to Paul Miller; Dan Blue (D-33), the former House speaker appointed to replace the late Bernard Allen; Marilyn Avila (R-40), the soon-to-be-former JLF colleague who beat incumbent Rick Eddins in a GOP primary; Thom Tillis (R-98), who beat incumbent John Rhodes in a GOP primary; and Ric Killian (R-105), who replaced Doug Vinson on the ballot when the GOP incumbent dropped out of the race.

Twelve Democrats and 10 Republicans have guaranteed Senate seats. They are Clark Jenkins (D-3), David Weinstein (D-13), Janet Cowell (D-16), Richard Stevens (R-17), Bob Atwater (D-18), Tony Rand (D-19), Jeanne Lucas (D-20), Kay Hagan (D-27), Katie Dorsett (D-28), Jerry Tillman (R-29), Don East (R-30), Pete Brunstetter (R-31), Linda Garrou (D-32), Stan Bingham (R-33), Eddie Goodall (R-35), Dan Clodfelter (D-37), Charlie Dannelly (D-38), Robert Pittenger (R-39), Jim Forrester (R-41), David Hoyle (D-43), Jim Jacumin (R-44), and Tom Apodaca (R-48). Brunstetter is the only one of these senators who did not win the same district in the 2004 election; he took the late Ham Horton’s seat after winning the GOP primary.