Today’s Winston-Salem Journal focuses on ‘lies and half-truths’ this election season, in the process criticizing both Elizabeth Dole and Kay Hagan:
Dole, for example, has charged that Hagan opposes offshore drilling. But Hagan flip-flopped on that issue, deciding that she supports a bipartisan drilling compromise in Washington. Dole, of course, used to oppose off-shore drilling, too. She just flip-flopped a few months earlier than Hagan.
Hagan got a few laughs out of a misleading ad on Dole’s age and Washington effectiveness. By picking and choosing, Hagan presented Dole as one of the least effective members of the Senate based on subjective rankings from just the last two years of Dole’s six-year term.
Hagan has also claimed to have “reached across party lines to ban driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants.” She may have voted for a bill that did that, but she played only a minor role. And Dole presented an award she got from Working Mother magazine as an indicator of her effectiveness, something it was not.
For what it’s worth, Hagan’s statement on yesrterday’s economic turmoil blames the ‘Bush-Dole team’ for ignoring the warning signs.