Every now and then I just hear a story that captures some of the problems in society in simple format.
A man coming up short on his child support for the month called his agent. He told her that he was going to take his “30-days,” meaning the 30-day sentence for not paying child support. He wasn’t going to try to get the money or earn it. Rather than pay, he asked if she could send him to prison rather than the county jail.
Perplexed, the agent ask him why he’d rather go to prison.
“Well, in prison there’s a lot of things to do, I’ll just go crazy sitting in a jail cell for thirty days.”
True story, happened today. He’d rather go to prison than sit in the county jail. Maybe our prisons should have a little less to do and be a bit more like the county jail. When told she could not send him to prison, he said he’d look for the money. I just couldn’t help but laugh.