The NC Senate has restored $1.6 million in funding in the coming fiscal year for the Global TransPark in Kinston. If you really need more information about why this is a bad idea, you can read Carolina Journal‘s exclusive series on the GTP and how it?s been squandering tax money for more than a decade.

What I found entertaining about the Senate action was, in part, the reason offered by Democrat Walter Dalton of Rutherford County. The idea now, it appears, is to fund the GTP ?s current services while the park develops private-sector support. So, what was it up to before now?

Building value with tax subsidies. The TransPark ?has a value and it can be transitioned,” said Dalton, an appropriations leader. ?If we totally abandon it, the value will go down.?

In other words, if the project doesn?t keep getting public funding, it can?t wean itself off of public funding.

Or in still other words, its value is dependent on confiscating other people?s valuables.