North Carolina-based Public Policy Polling, which usually does fair and accurate polling, is, nevertheless, wholly in the pocket of the Left and Democrats when the chips are down.
Take their latest push poll for Planned Parenthood. They claim to have found that 57 percent opposed cutting funding for Planned Parenthood “services.” PPP never uses the word “abortion” in their survey, which, they knew, would increase the favorable response. But ask the question in a way that respondents know that what we’re talking about is taxpayer money supporting abortions and you’d get a quite different response.
Planned Parenthood kills 328,000 babies a year in the name of “women’s health.” They claim that they don’t use any of their federal funds to kill babies, but let’s be realistic. If they can use federal funds to keep the lights on, they can spend other money to kill the babies. It all goes in the same pot. It’s fungible, as they say.
There is simply no justification for spending taxpayer dollars to support an organization whose raison d’etre is destroying fetuses. Like NPR, CPB, and PBS, they’re desperate to keep their taxpayer money, hence the big bucks they surely paid for a misleading poll.