Pressler: Were practicing hard right after the accused made her allegations and his sports info guy said, “Coach, either those guys are innocent or they’re the greatest actors in the world.”
Question: Did Brodhead ever answer your daughter’s letter?
Pressler: Not until after the book was published. “That’s for the next book.”
Yaeger: Brodhead and Alleva would not talk to them. They “dispatched John Burness to see if I was worthy.” “They decided my questions were too aggressive for Brodhead.”
Question: What good can come out of this.
Pressler: “If you stand by the truth” things will come out alright. His daughter said “if you tell the truth you don’t need a good memory.”
Yaeger: There are an awful lot of universities that have watched this and learned from it, how to handle athletes when issues arrive. “I know that this has occurred at a number of other schools. I’ve been asked about it.” Mentions that Mike Pressler served as a commentator on Court TV and Jack Ford from Court TV is coming in to discuss these issues with Duke.