Jon H., your link’s opening line is too rich for words. I have to say, however, that the subject (though not the self-serving treatment of it) reminds me of a debate I had online with one of those academic Marxists over the merits of free-market economics. My correspondent asked: “Don’t you think there’s a little socialist in all of us?” I could not resist the opportunity. I wrote:

Don’t you think there’s a little socialist in all of us?

Yeah; most people call it childhood. You’re handed everything you need; you think you’re entitled to everything other people have, and sometimes you just go and take it; you have no idea how money works, what it is, how you get it, and how to use it; you believe all the phony scary stories your friends dream up; your hero is some man who lives to give you a whole buncha stuff once a year, talks to animals, and lives in the one place in the world that’s safe from global warming; you think a bicycle is great transportation; you think trains are really cool; being asked to do even the slightest amount of work is the worst thing anyone has ever said to you; you think the opposite sex is icky; you’re whiny; you smell bad; and you throw a fit at the dinner table.

At the time, I shared the conversation with our friend Lindalyn for her amusement.

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