The Observer’s writer makes great use of red herrings — the supposedly bad behavior of the “punks” and Tom Fetzer’s desire to get the most mileage out of the incident — in an effort to take the focus off Etheridge’s outburst.

What’s interesting is the cause of that outburst. Etheridge is rightfully worried that his unwavering support for the Obama administration’s unpopular agenda of politicizing everything it can, spending as if resources were free, and trampling on the rule of law is making him vulnerable. He blew a gasket when asked about it. Of course, he would not have reacted as he did if the questioners had asked something like, “Do you approve of the president’s position that he’ll hold BP accountable?”

Voters need to focus on Etheridge’s record. That’s what ought to sink him, not his temper tantrum.