Jiminy, Jon ? counter to how I had imagined it, there sure are a lot of ugly, pasty and pudgy old farts milling around there for Mardi Gras. The scene looks more like the buildup to a Buffet concert than the uninhibited, “Girls Gone Wild“-esque blast in the advertisements. (It probably is as uninhibited as advertised, but brother I don’t care to know about that!)
I’m reminded that the origin of the word “carnival” is the Latin carne vale, or farewell to the flesh (i.e., Lent). I just never imagined there’d be so much flesh ? that is, so much flesh per capita (per stomachum?).
Edit, 9:55 p.m.: I don’t suppose we’d see the following video for sale (which I pieced together from several recent “Bourbocam” views):