Greensboro Mayor Bill Knight survives yesterday’s primary and will face City Council member Robbie Perkins in the general election. As expressed in this morning’s (unposted) editorial headlined ‘No to status quo,’ the N&R appears primed to go ahead and swear Perkins in.

I guess it all depends on your definition of ‘status quo.’ Personally, I’m mystified by the idea that Perkins somehow represents change. Ed Cone asked earlier this week why it’s taken so long to occupy Greensboro, citing three decades of economic decline in the Gate City. Perkins has been on the City Council roughly half that time, so I guess voters have to ask themselves what exactly he’s done to turn things around except vote for incentives packages and promote regionalism. On that note, it’s worth mentioning that Perkins serves on the PART board and guess what —PART’s going broke.

This is going to be an interesting race.