My religious upbringing prevents me from agreeing with Rick about same-sex marriages, and that’s created lively debate in the Martinez household. However, I think bloggers have missed excellent points in the second half of the column. Below is Rick’s copy that presents a challenge to the gay and lesbian community, reminding them that with acceptance comes responsibility.

” It’s wrong and downright cruel for gay rights advocates to belittle people with deeply held religious convictions against homosexuality by branding them as intolerant, fanatical homophobes. If the gay community is going to demand recognition and respect for one’s sexual identity, it should extend the same understanding and courtesy toward another’s religious identity. Its leaders should publicly admonish gay-marriage supporters who continue mean-spirited attacks on those who sincerely disagree.

Gay rights leaders should also muster the courage to challenge the intellectual honesty of their movement. If gays want equality when it comes to marriage, then they should be at the forefront of repealing “hate crime” legislation. It is disingenuous to argue for equality on one hand, and special protection on the other. Heterosexuals are hurt every bit as much as homosexuals when they’re victims of violence. Gays haven’t cornered the market on hate, just as straights don’t own the copyright on love.

The gay movement is also quiet when it comes to social, moral and decency issues. It shouldn’t be. The biggest rap against gay marriage is that it legitimizes what a lot of people consider an immoral lifestyle. This contention doesn’t square with my experience. The majority of homosexuals I’ve known, including those I served with in the military, were fundamentally ethical and moral people.

Gay rights advocates should redefine themselves and claim new ground by leading the charge against promiscuity and social decay. They should be the first to define marriage as a solemn commitment between two unrelated adults, and not a loose confederation that includes siblings, minors or multiple spouses. The movement needs to continue its mature march toward the mainstream by abandoning outdated tactics that inflame instead of inform. Get rid of those awful and garish gay pride parades, and stop using shock value to introduce society to your sexual lifestyle. We’ve seen it. We get it. Move on.

It would be sad if the gay community repeated the mistakes of feminists, who, by demonizing their
opponents, cost themselves the support the movement originally deserved.”