John Daniel Davidson of the Federalist tallies the damage of recent revelations about President Biden.
There are now at least three major reasons to impeach President Joe Biden: his corruption, his mental unfitness for office, and his criminal collusion with Mexico to foment the border crisis. Republicans in Congress could take their pick and be on solid footing, but they probably won’t pursue any of them.
It would be easy to do, and impeachment hearings should already be on the schedule for this week. First of all, there’s the corruption of the Biden family business, evidence of which has been piling up since House Republicans launched their impeachment inquiry back in the fall. Then there’s Biden’s mental unfitness for office as detailed in the special counsel report released last week and immediately corroborated by Biden himself in a disastrous news conference. And finally, there’s the lesser-known but in some ways most compelling cause for impeachment: Biden’s collaboration with a corrupt cartel-state synthesis in Mexico to create the ongoing border crisis.
Any one of these should be reason enough to impeach the president — certainly they amount to far more than what Democrats had on former President Trump in both of his sham impeachments. And yet Republicans seem determined to find reasons to do nothing.
In the months since House Republicans launched their impeachment inquiry, they have understandably focused on Hunter Biden’s influence-peddling schemes in China and Ukraine, and how the president and other members of his family are implicated in them. Despite uncovering mountains of evidence that the Biden family has indeed operated an overseas bribery racket for years, the inquiry will likely just peter out. Earlier this month, a number of House Republicans cast doubt on the proceedings, one calling it a “jumbled mess,” and another saying, “I don’t think it goes anywhere.” Given the GOP’s historic timidity and cowardice, this is hardly a surprise.