Greensboro City Council member Dianne Bellamy-Small issues a statement in response to the successful petition for a recall, which is set for Aug. 21:

The statements used in this petition came from erroneous accounts given in the media and not derived from the facts…… I intend to serve the rest of my current term and run again if the people in District 1 want me to continue to serve them.

Again, it’s unclear whether the recall will be pulled off due to time constraints. Remember, the recall cannot take place 30 days before or after a scheduled election, something the council had to take into consideration when setting the date. Another consideration is a U.S. Department of Justice review. The N&R reports that the Justice Department has 60 days to review the case, but City Attorney Linda Miles said the department could take as many as 120 more days, which would mean the recall couldn’t take place before the November election.

That’s a likely scenario, given the speed at which the federal government operates. But perhaps Bellamy-Small will lose her seat in the election, making the whole situation irrelevant.