The LA Times reports that California welfare recipients are spending about $227,000 per month at casinos and poker parlors. California, of course, is teetering on bankruptcy, thanks to decades of liberal taxing and spending policies. To add insult to injury, California politicians want the feds — in other words, you and me — to bail them out now that day or reckoning is near. From January’s Wall Street Journal:
Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger asked for $6.9 billion in federal funds in his state-budget proposal Friday and warned that state health and welfare programs would be threatened without the emergency help.
There is a huge difference between providing a basic safety net for those who need temporary help to get back on their feet and providing cash assistance for gambling. There are very few Americans who are not willing to pay taxes to help a neighbor in distress. And thankfully, more and more Americans seem to be wising up to the folly and destructive nature of a welfare society that hurts the very people it says it wants to help.