I realize I’m awfully hard on the N&R, and it must not be a lot of fun for them (even they even read this blog) to have someone* seizing on every little mistake. But an item that appeared on the editorial page of today’s print edition is beyond parody:


A Tuesday letter incorrectly stated that CBS chose not to air “Ultimate Fighting.” The local affiliate, WFMY (Channel 2) made

Thus ended the “correction.”

*Based on insight I’ve gleaned from reading various N&R blogs, the paper doesn’t need to wait on me to point out its various shortcomings. Readers aren’t shy about picking up the phone and letting editors and reporters hear it. And, of course, they’re not shy about firing off a letter, as several readers did in response to Rob Daniels’ column on the Confederate flag at NASCAR events.

Here’s a sample:

In his editorial “NASCAR should ban Confederate flag at tracks,” Rob Daniels makes quite a few claims without ever making a point. He states, “Years ago, some people started bringing the symbol to races.” The symbol? The only symbolism Daniels mentions is the idea of “Heritage, Not Hate,” which he states is “old.” Heritage is old? Is “old” a bad thing, Daniels? The people who wave the flag aren’t holding nooses. They aren’t wearing sheets. They aren’t crying secession.

…..Hopefully, Daniels won’t stop there. I can’t wait to see his column on how public schools should outlaw references to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. I look forward to reading his arguments on why Native Americans should outlaw the flying of the American flag on their reservations. While he’s at it, I hope he’ll make sure to encourage all of us to put on blinders and judge our ancestors based on 2008 standards. That’s fair and unbiased, wouldn’t you say?

Steve Johnson
Glendale, Ariz.