Turns out that Reps. Sue Myrick (9th) and Patrick McHenry (10th) of North Carolina also showed up at the Fred Thompson shindig along with Walter Jones (3rd), as the Washington Post reports:

However hyped their numbers, the conservative lawmakers who came to
hear the actor cum senator cum actor were of one voice when they spoke
of Thompson as a possible white knight. To hear them tell it, the
current crop of Republican presidential candidates has left them
variably famished, parched and suffocating.

“People are hungry for leadership,” said Rep. Sue Myrick (R-N.C.)….

“Clearly, Republicans are not convinced by any candidate yet,” McHenry
confided. “You have 45 to 50 members of Congress that show up for
someone who’s not even in the race. I think that’s a significant
statement about the field.”