Update: N&R coverage.

Greensboro’s transparent city government did indeed release more information on the David Wray affair at tonight’s city council meeting. Right off the top of my head I’ll say it’s nothing we don’t already know. Honestly, it was as if City Manager Mitchell Johnson was reading straight from the RMA report: James Hinson was cleared on all charges, but Wray kept tracking him anyway, telling Johnson and then-City Manager Ed Kitchen that it was part of the ongoing feds’ interest in Hinson.

I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone while Johnson actually replayed the infamous Randall Brady-Scooter Sanders tape discussing Wray’s troublesome female friend. But this time Johnson added three more out-of-context recordings of Sanders interviewing the woman’s neighbors. In one tape, Sanders appears to be leading neighbors to believe that his investigation is terrorism related, basically saying that claims the woman made could be construed as a terrorism threat. But again, the conversations are totally out of context, so we don’t know exactly what the woman said.

Yet another taped discussion with a neighbor borders on hilarious, considering the neighbor’s reaction:

Sanders: My positiion in this department is a little bit different, and it’s probably the only one like it in this department. You now what the CIA is, the feds?

Neighbor: You’re a fed?

Sanders: Well, no, I’m not a fed, but I guess that’s part of the best way I know to explain that’s what I kind of do for the city.

Neighbor: Oh, so you’re a top dog, sort of.

Sanders: Sort of. I don’t get the pay, but I go to a lot of strange places and I’ve been through a lot of strange things. A lot of sensitive things.

What’s hilarious is the neighbor’s sarcasm is quite evident when you hear the tape, at least the way I heard it.

I’m sure there will be quite a bit of reaction tomorrow, so I’ll play off that.