Scott Shane of The New York Times writes a whitewash story on the relationship between Barack Obama and unrepentent domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, for whom Obama worked for several years. In fact, it’s fair to say that Ayers jump started Obama’s political career with a social function at Ayer’s abode. One wonders what the radical bomber saw in the young Obama to prompt his assistance.

But back to Shane’s puff piece. The headline tells where this is going: “Obama and ’60s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths.” Like ships in the night, huh? Look, I once “crossed paths” with Stokely Carmichael and H. Rap Brown at the Atlanta airport. I didn’t work for them for several years. And even if I had, Stokely and Rap weren’t mad bombers like Ayers.

Shane’s piece is not really a surprise. It’s in the great tradition of NYT Pulitzer winner Walter Duranty, who visited the Soviet Union in the 1920’s and came home to cover up the atrocities he saw and heard about, all in the name of “better world a’comin’.” As a result, tens of millions in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus were slaughtered or starved under Stalin. Thank you, New York Times.