The staff and editors of The Chronicle of Higher Education are seeking divine intervention to stem the Republican tide. Laurie Essig, assistant professor of sociology and women’s and gender studies at Middlebury College, wants God to target Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina:

That’s why I’m hoping You’ll listen to this one prayer and smite this man. I’m not asking for much. Just a little gay scandal. Perhaps he could be caught with another man like Rekers? Or maybe a mistress like South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford? Or a very expensive sex worker like Eliot Spitzer?

Really, God, it could be anything at all that would make the hypocrisy and hate of this man evident to everyone. A kinda the Emperor Has No Clothes moment. Maybe he could caught streaking, God? We have never really had that scandal and I suppose the “family values” but secretly gay is getting kinda cliche. But God, when DeMint takes his clothes off, can it be somewhere really public so someone can catch it on their phone and send it to the press and if it were like at a national monument or something so the press could talk about his desecration of all that Americans hold sacred?

This fit of pique was spurred by a group praying for DeMin’s success, thus the counter-praying for his downfall. I have my doubts, though, about the Christian devoutness of this writer. Presuming to tell God how he should do his job is not really an accepted practice among real Christians:

But God, Your work shouldn’t be based on the people’s will. It should be based on right and wrong and of course the occasional smiting of those who use your name to do the Devil’s work of hating all who are different.

Uh, says who?