They were loud and visible when white and presumed wealthy Duke athletes were alleged to have sexually assaulted a poor black woman. It was even said that the allegation represented the perfect storm of race, sex, and gender. Rich white athletic male privilege was denounced, as was the culture at large that supposedly produced it.
Now, according to published reports, a white UNC athlete was tied up and robbed by a black man while his apartment mates were tied up and sexually assaulted by two black women as the man held a knife to their throats. (WRAL has identified one of the victims as Lowell Dyer.) I don’t know the races of the other two victims, which shouldn’t be important anyway.
Regardless, what we appear to have is a man-bites-dog inverse of Duke’s “perfect storm”; i.e., white athletic male privilege was the victim here. But aren’t the alleged crimes disturbing nevertheless?
Individuals, not categories, commit crimes. The activists who were so angry appear to reserve their outrage for only reported crimes that fit their prejudices.
This one obviously doesn’t.