Here’s an excerpt from another press release from Asheville’s Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department:

The Burton Street Community Association will dedicate a new community identification sign in memory of Mr. E. W. Pearson, Sr., on Saturday, August 9th at 3:00 pm. Mr. Pearson was an influential African American businessman and community leader in West Asheville. West Riverside Operation Weed & Seed [funded by the US Department of Justice] funded the sign project which is based on Crime Prevention through Environmental Design principles. The project allowed four youth from the Burton Street Community to apprentice under two adult mentors from the community. Youth from the Burton Street Recreation Center Summer Program and other community volunteers also contributed to the effort.

I can respect that a community wants to honor one of its pillars. I think it is great that kids can be mentored in a craft. However, if government is going to be in the business of creating identity and preventing crime with signs, I need a scientific metric to be able to tell how well they are doing their job. Charlatans used to get run out of town for peddling feel-good. Now, government is exalted to godhood for doing the same. If a 2% tax hike can make us feel good, how much will it take to make us feel great? Awesome? Napoleonic? Meanwhile, the perception is that homicides and rapes are up citywide.