I’m watching Investigator Ben Himan’s testimony at Mike Nifong’s ethics trial. He’s describing what happened when the police administered the search warrant at 610 N. Buchanan Blvd. Rather than obstructionists, the three players present — Dave Evans, Matt Zash and Dan Flannery — couldn’t have been more helpful. They immediately told the police that Crystal Gail Mangum’s charges were untrue (“Bulls..t” as Flannery told the police.). Zash also told police where the police could find Mangum’s fingernails, purse and showed where some of her money remained on a coffee table. They also said they’d come downtown to make statements.
Now, remember back to last March when Nifong said there was a “blue wall of silence” and the execrable pot bangers put up signs urging the players to stop clamming up, and N&O columnist Ruth Sheehan wrote, “We know you know.” A stark contrast with the actual reality.
UPDATE: The three players were with police for seven hours. When asked if, during that time, they did everything the police asked them to do, Himan said, “Yes.”