Charlotte-Mecklenburg’s new superintendent, Peter Gorman, has been on the right track since taking the reigns of CMS this summer. He supports public-private partnerships for school construction, and is open to the idea of expanding school choice. Even more impressive, Gorman has gained the trust of a divided community in a relatively short period.
But now Gorman supports forced teacher transfers to low performing schools. Granted, the move would only be a “last resort,” but forced transfers (AKA reconstituting schools) is simply a dumb idea. Forced transfers would encourage some teachers to do some transferring of their own, namely to Cabarrus, Union, and Iredell counties, all of which have a healthy demand for teachers. It would be especially foolish to transfer math and science teachers, who likely have a number of private sector job options available.
If you want teachers to transfer to low performing schools, the answer is I-N-C-E-N-T-I-V-E-S.