He thinks he is a superhero.
I thought his Tweet Sunday morning on the occasion of the big fire at Big Ben’s was a one-off thing. Dulin advised that he was skipping Sunday school in order to stop by the scene of the fire “to check on owners and our firefighters.” This despite police and firefighters telling drivers to avoid the area as Providence Road was shut down.
Now comes word of a previous Dulin episode of aggressive samaritanship on East Blvd. This from a city council public safety committee meeting last month on the topic of predatory towing in local lots:
Also, on my way to the office one day there was a wreck at the intersection of Kenilworth and East Blvd. and I pulled into the Starbucks to check out the wreck and make sure everyone was okay. When I determined everyone looked fine, I turned back around and walked back towards the car and it was already hooked up and in the air. The man gave me back my car, but it took less than two minutes for him to jack my car up.
Amazing how Dulin thinks his city councilman job description includes “checking on” accidents and fires, but not “checking on” the operations and command coherence of CMPD. I think the only possible explanation is that Dulin really is a secret superhero, so he knows that CMPD is somewhat superfluous to safeguarding the community.
Either that or Andy Dulin is Charlotte’s very own Michael Scott.